[113464] |
Title: Model checking for trigger loss detection during Doppler ultrasound-guided fetal cardiovascular MRI. |
Written by: S.-T. Antoni and S. Lehmann and M. Neidhardt and K. Fehrs and C. Ruprecht and F. Kording and G. Adam and S. Schupp and A. Schlaefer |
in: <em>International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery</em>. Nov (2018). |
Volume: <strong>13</strong>. Number: (11), |
on pages: 1755-1766 |
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DOI: 10.1007/s11548-018-1832-5 |
URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-018-1832-5 |
Abstract: Ultrasound (US) is the state of the art in prenatal diagnosis to depict fetal heart diseases. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) has been proposed as a complementary diagnostic tool. Currently, only trigger-based methods allow the temporal and spatial resolutions necessary to depict the heart over time. Of these methods, only Doppler US (DUS)-based triggering is usable with higher field strengths. DUS is sensitive to motion. This may lead to signal and, ultimately, trigger loss. If too many triggers are lost, the image acquisition is stopped, resulting in a failed imaging sequence. Moreover, losing triggers may prolong image acquisition. Hence, if no actual trigger can be found, injected triggers are added to the signal based on the trigger history.