[85584] |
Title: CLIX - A Hybrid Programming Environment for Distributed Objects and Distributed Shared Memory. |
Written by: F. Müller and J. Nolte and A. Schlaefer |
in: <em>J. Rolim et al. (Eds.): Parallel and Distributed Processing - Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments</em>. (2000). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 285-292 |
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Note: Springer LNCS 1800
Abstract: Parallel programming with distributed object technology becomes increasingly popular but shared-memory programming is still a common way of utilizing parallel machines. In fact, both models can coexist fairly well and software DSM systems can be constructed easily using distributed object systems. In this paper, we describe the construction of a hybrid programming platform based on the Arts distributed object system. We describe how an object-oriented design approach provides a compact and flexible description of the system components. A sample implementation demonstrates that three classes of less than 100 lines of code each suffice to implement sequential consistency