Andreas Mohr, M.Sc.
Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Maritime Logistik
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
21073 Hamburg
Büro: Gebäude D Raum 5.006
Tel.: +49 40 42878 4641
E-Mail: andreas.mohr(at)tuhh(dot)de
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8751-4052
- Binnen- und Seehafen-Containerterminals
- Elektrifizierung des Horizontalverkehrs in Containerterminals
- Containerterminal- und Hafeninterne Containertransporte
- Entwicklung und Digitalisierung der maritimen Lehre
- Ereignisorientierte Simulation
Veröffentlichungen (Auszug)
[182439] |
Title: Groundbreaking Challenges of Deploying Battery-Electric Terminal Trucks in Container Terminals. <em>Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport</em> |
Written by: Mohr, Andreas and Kastner, Marvin and Jahn, Carlos |
in: (2023). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 183-198 |
Chapter: |
Editor: In Clausen, Uwe and Dellbrügge, Marius (Eds.) |
Publisher: Springer International Publishing: |
Series: |
Address: Cham |
Edition: |
ISBN: 978-3-031-28236-2 |
how published: |
Organization: |
School: |
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Type: |
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-28236-2_12 |
URL: |
Abstract: To avoid a climate crisis, we need to drastically change the way we ship goods. Therefore, container terminals must also reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible. Since terminal trucks are the most commonly used container handling equipment for horizontal transportation in container terminals worldwide, a suitable starting point can be found here. They are often used together with rubber-tired gantry cranes. Combined, they are accountable for up to 70% of the container terminal´s greenhouse gas emissions. One way to reduce these emissions is to electrify terminal trucks