
The Institute of Technical Biocatalysis runs the unique “Kinderforscher” and “Nachwuchscampus“ programs bringing together schools, university and companies. We develop school programs, school/TUHH programs as well as school/company programs motivating pupils and teachers for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math).

In our Kinderforscher universe, we let children and young people experience the world of science and technology. 

Nachwuchs campus

The Nachwuchs campus brings schools and companies together. The project aims at pupils, grades 7-12, getting interested in science and jobs in the STEM-field. Since 2011 we have enriched 50 cooperations with experiments, teaching and career orientation material.

On our digital experimentation platform KNIFFELIX you can solve everyday puzzles. In research missions, experiments are carried out with everyday materials. Accompanying material is available for download. Pictures can be published in the blog and results can be shared with other users.