Kickoff of the DFG projects "Ocamos" and "ISMAEK"

The DFG projects "Ocamos" and "ISMAEK" started on February 1, 2025. The projects, which deal with the 3D printing of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), are a fundamental focus point at the IFPT.
In Ocamos, the focus is on the development of algorithms for generating manufacturing instructions and the validation of these new approaches in the field of path planning and slicing. In addition, a new type of print head is being developed that is intended to increase accessibility and process stability.
ISMAEK is being carried out in collaboration with the Institute for Structural Optimization in Lightweight Construction at the TUHH and deals with the printing process and the optimization of material orientations. These are crucial for the potential utilization of the anisotropic high-performance material CFRP. The printing process is investigated using simulations that are validated by experiments and informed by material tests of the matrix and the composite.