

  • Al‐Zuriqat, T., Noufal, M., Peralta, P., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Automated defect detection in fused filament fabrication coupling deep learning and computer vision. In: Proceedings of the 2025 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Porto, Portugal, 07/14/2025 (submitted).
  • Chmelnizkij, A. & Smarsly, K., 2025. Improved neighbor search algorithm for efficiently locating material points in numerical simulations using the material point method. In: Proceedings of the 2025 Anura3D MPM Workshop. Barcelona, Spain, 01/30/2025 (submitted).
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  • Chillón Geck, C., 2025. TUHH Twin – A digital twin enabling a sustainable smart campus [TUHH-Twin – Ein digitaler Zwilling für einen nachhaltigen Smart Campus]. In: Kölzer, T. (ed.). Sustainable and digital construction concepts [Nachhaltige und digitale Baukonzepte]. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer (submitted).
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  • Dadoulis, G., Manolis, G. D., Katakalos, K., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Damage detection in lightweight bridges with traveling masses using machine learning. Engineering Structures, 322(2025), 119216.
  • Dragos, K., Magalhães, F., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Decentralized structural health monitoring based on reduced-order finite element models. Journal of Structural Health Monitoring (submitted).
  • Dragos, K., Magalhães, F., & Smarsly, K., 2025. An embedded computing approach for vibration-based system identification using reduced-order finite elements. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES). Porto, Portugal, 07/02/2025 (submitted).
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2025. A decentralized digital twinning approach for wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES). Porto, Portugal, 07/02/2025 (submitted).
  • Hartmann, S., Valles, R., Schmitt, A., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., Gölzhäuser, P., Jung, J. T., Villinger, G., Varela Rojas, D., Bergmann, M., Pullmann, T., Heimer, D., Stahl, C., Stollewerk, A., Hilgers, M., Jansen, E., Schoenebeck, B., Buchholz, O., Papadakis, I., Merkle, D. R., Jäkel, J.-I., Mackenbach, S., Klemt-Albert, K., Reiterer, A., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital-twin-based management of sewer systems: Research strategy for the KaSyTwin project. Water 2025, 17(3), 299.
  • Moawad, M., Stührenberg, J., Tandon, A., Abdulaaty, O., Mendoza, R. C., Hussein, A., & Smarsly, K., 2025. In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 22/06/2025 (submitted).
  • Peralta, P., Al-Zuriqat, T., Burse, B., Söbke, H., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Blockchain-based secure archiving of sensor malfunctions in structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 2025 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Porto, Portugal, 07/14/2025 (submitted).
  • Peralta, P., Al-Zuriqat, T., Noufal, M., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Automated defect detection in clay printing. In: Proceedings of the 42nd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). Montreal, Canada, 07/28/2025 (submitted).
  • Stührenberg, J. & Smarsly, K., 2025. LIO‐BIM – Coupling lidar inertial odometry with building information modeling for robot localization and mapping. Advanced Engineering Informatics (submitted).
  • Tandon, A., Stührenberg, J., Dragos, K., Mohite, I., & Smarsly, K., 2025. BIM-based human-robot collaboration for building inspections using mixed reality. In: Proceedings of the 2025 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Porto, Portugal, 07/14/2025 (submitted).
  • Tandon, A., Stührenberg, J., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Automated building inspections coupling building information modeling and behavior trees. In: Proceedings of the 2025 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Porto, Portugal, 07/14/2025 (submitted).
  • Williams-Riquer, F., Chmelnizkij, A., Abdennadher, M. A., Datar, A., Grabe, J., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Enhancing robustness of dynamic mode decomposition against white noise for traveling wave identification using time-delay coordinates. In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Control Conference (ECC). Thessaloniki, Greece, 06/24/2025 (submitted).
  • Williams-Riquer F., Abdennadher, M. A., Chmelnizkij, C., Grabe, J., & Smarsly, K., 2025. Modeling and predicting soil vibrations during vibrodriving installation using noisy data and dynamic mode decomposition. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Experimental Vibration Analysis of Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES). Porto, Portugal, 07/02/2025 (submitted).

Nach oben


  • Al-Hakim, Y., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K., Beier, S., & Klümper, C., 2024. Design and implementation of a software system for surveillance of antibiotics concentrations in wastewater. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Health Informatics. Rome, Italy, 02/21/2024.
  • Al-Nasser, H., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., Chillón Geck, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Identification of combined sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems. Smart Materials and Structures, 33(8), 085026.
  • Al-Nasser, H., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., Chillón Geck, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. A deep-learning-based approach towards identifying combined faults in structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Potsdam, Germany, 06/10/2024.
  • Al-Nasser, H., Ahmad, M. E., Peralta, P., Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital twin architectures in civil engineering: A systematic literature review. In: Proceedings of the 15th Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis. Hamburg, Germany, 03/04/2024.
  • Al-Zuriqat, T., Al-Nasser, H., Dragos, K., Chillón Geck, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Identification of composite sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems using long short-term memory networks. In: Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Chania, Crete, Greece, 07/15/2024.
  • Benz, A., Smarsly, K, & Völker, C., 2024. A transient simulation-based approach for in-situ estimation of U-values using artificial neural networks. In: Proceedings of the BauSIM. Vienna, Austria, 09/23/2024.
  • Benz, A., Smarsly, K, & Völker, C., 2024. Application of artificial neural networks to determine U-values [Anwendung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Bestimmung von U-Werten]. In: Bauphysiktage. Weimar, Germany, 03/06/2024.
  • Chillón Geck, C., Alsaad, H., Völker, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Personalized low-cost thermal comfort monitoring using IoT technologies. Indoor Environments, 1(4), 100048.
  • Chillón Geck, C., Alsaad, H., Völker, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. A BIM-based approach towards personalized low-cost thermal comfort monitoring using digital twins. In: Proceedings of the 31th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Vigo, Spain, 07/03/2024.
  • Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Elmoursi, M., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. AIoT-enabled decentralized sensor fault diagnosis for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Potsdam, Germany, 06/10/2024.
  • Chillón Geck, C. & Nasr, R., 2024. A scalable smart irrigation system based on Internet of Things technologies. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
  • Dadoulis, G., Manolis, G. D., Katakalos, K., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Towards detecting damage in lightweight bridges with traveling masses using machine learning. In: Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Chania, Crete, Greece, 07/15/2024.
  • Dadoulis, G., Al-Zuriqat, T., & Dragos, K., 2024. Damage detection in lightweight bridges with moving masses using machine learning [Maschinelles Lernen zur Schadenserkennung bei Leichtbaubrücken mit beweglichen Massen]. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
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  • Dragos, K., Magalhães, F., Manolis, G. D., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Frequency-domain synchronization of structural health monitoring data. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 571(2024), 118017.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2024. A smart monitoring approach based on decentralized digital twins. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2024. Automated structural health monitoring of a concrete bridge using digital twins [Αυτοματοποιημένη παρακολούθηση δομικής υγείας γέφυρας σκυροδέματος με χρήση ψηφιακών διδύμων]. In: Proceedings of the 19th Hellenic Concrete Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece, 11/07/2024.
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  • Hartmann, S., Al-Zuriqat. T., Peralta, P., Valles, R., Gölzhäuser, P., Al-Hakim, Y., Mackenbach, S., Klemt-Albert, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital twins for sewer systems maintenance: A systematic literature review. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR). Sydney, Australia, 11/04/2024.
  • Häußer, S., Möller, R., Smarsly, K., Al-Hakim, Y., Kreuzinger, N., Pinnekamp, J., Pletz, M. W., Klümper, C., & Beier, S., 2025. SARS-CoV-2 wastewater monitoring in Thuringia, Germany – Analytical aspects and normalization of results. Water, 15(24), 4290.
  • Herbers, M., Richter, B., Bartels, J.-H., Al-Zuriqat, T., Smarsly, K., & Marx, S., 2024. openLAB – A large-scale demonstrator for advancing digital twin developments of bridges. In: Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2024. Christchurch, New Zealand, 11/11/2024.
  • Herbers, M., Bartels, J.-H., Richter, B., Collin, F., Ulbrich, L., Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., Naraniecki, H., Hahn, O., Jesse, F., Smarsly, K., & Marx, S., 2024. openLAB – A research bridge for developing a digital twin of bridges [openLAB – Eine Forschungsbrücke zur Entwicklung eines digitalen Brückenzwillings]. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 119(3), pp. 169-180.
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  • Johann, S., Kohlhoff, H., Schlischka, J., Strangfeld, C., Bartholmai, M., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Investigation of long-term embedded RFID sensors for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Sensors. Kobe, Japan, 10/20/2024.
  • Johann, S., Stührenberg, J., Tandon, A., Dragos, K., Bartholmai, M., Strangfeld, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Implementation and validation of robot-enabled embedded sensors for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Potsdam, Germany, 06/10/2024.
  • Johann, S., Stührenberg, J., & Tandon, A., 2024. Robot-enabled structural monitoring using embedded sensor technology [Robotergestütztes Bauwerksmonitoring basierend auf eingebetteter Sensorik]. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
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  • Plönnigs, J., Berger, M., Mevissen, M., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Quantum computing in civil engineering: Limitations. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
  • Resapow, V., Stührenberg, J., Schwall, M., Chillón Geck, C., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Cloud and edge computing to enable map overlays for the digitalization of construction sites. In: Proceedings of the 31th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Vigo, Spain, 07/03/2024.
  • Sarida, S., Stührenberg, J., Brokmeier, J., Reguieg, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Human-robot interaction for robotic inspections based on mixed reality. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM). Dresden, Germany, 09/11/2024.
  • Smarsly, K., 2024. BIM for operating buildings – Digital transformation for a sustainable construction industry [BIM im Betrieb – Digitale Transformation für eine nachhaltige Bauindustrie]. Bautechnik, 101(3), pp. 157-158.
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  • Smarsly, K., & Dragos, K., 2024. Advancing civil infrastructure assessment through robotic fleets. Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, 4(2024), pp. 138-140.
  • Smarsly, K., Kliesch, M., Ploennigs, J., Koch, C., & Menzel, K., 2024. Quantum-inspired computing in civil engineering – Opportunities, challenges, and visions. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM). Dresden, Germany, 09/11/2024.
  • Smarsly, K., Ahmad, M. E., Peralta, P., Al-Zuriqat, T., Al-Nasser, H., Dragos, K., & Chillón Geck, C., 2024. Digital twins, architectures, and elements in civil engineering – A multivocal literature review. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
  • Smarsly, K., Peralta, P., Dragos, K., Ahmad, M. E., Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., & Al-Nasser, H., 2024. A multivocal literature review of digital twins, architectures, and elements in civil engineering. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Potsdam, Germany, 06/10/2024.
  • Spalek, N., Stührenberg, J., Tandon, A., Tourneau, M., Ayush, P., & Große, B., 2024. Robot-based installation of nanostructured metal multilayers on civil infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
  • Stührenberg, J., Al-Zuriqat, T., & Chillón Geck, C. (eds.), 2024. Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik 2024. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
  • Stührenberg, J., Häusler, F. S., Neumann, P. P., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Multi-agent-based swarm gas source localization using nano aerial robots. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
  • Tandon, A., Stührenberg, J., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Autonomous navigation of quadruped robots for monitoring and inspection of civil infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
  • Tandon, A. & Stührenberg, J., 2024. Autonomous navigation of legged robots for building inspections [Autonomone Navigation vierbeiniger Roboter für Bauwerksinspektionen]. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
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  • Vollmert, J., Peralta, P., Tandon, A., Harder, T. L., Al-Nasser, H., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital-twin-based monitoring and simulation of robot kinematics for clay printing. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM). Dresden, Germany, 09/11/2024.
  • Vollmert, J., Peralta, P., & Tandon, A., 2024. Monitoring and simulation of robot kinematics for clay printing based on digital twins [Monitoring und Simulation von Roboterkinematik basierend auf digitalen Zwillingen für den Lehmdruck]. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.
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Nach oben


  • Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Adaptive fault diagnosis for simultaneous sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems. Infrastructures, 8(3), 39.
  • Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Diagnosis of simultaneous sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Heraklion, Greece, 07/12/2023.
  • Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., & Dragos, K., 2023. Adaptive diagnosis of simultaneous sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems [Adaptive Fehlerdiagnose bei gleichzeitigen Sensorfehlern in Bauwerksmonitoringsystemen]. In: Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik. Bochum, Germany, 09/06/2023.
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  • Al-Zuriqat, T., Peralta, P., Chillón Geck, C., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Implementation and validation of a low-cost IoT-enabled shake table system. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/12/2023.
  • Beier, S., Schneider-Werres, S., Kohlhepp, K., Smarsly, K., Al-Hakim, Y., Müller, G., Spurling, K., Voigt, R., Gerlach, I., Gülland, R., Rathgeber, A., Küntzer, Y., Wipprich, W., Wipprich, M., Roselt, K., Schubert, J., Kaller, F., & Klümper, C., 2023. Water reuse in urban areas and in agriculture [Wasserwiederverwendung im urbanen Raum und in der Landwirtschaft]. In: Proceedings of the 33th Hamburg Colloquium on Wastewater Management. Hamburg, Germany, 09/05/2023.
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  • Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Diagnosis of concurrent sensor faults in structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/12/2023.
  • Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Alsaad, H.A.A., Völker, C. & Smarsly, K., 2023. Automated thermal comfort monitoring using IoT technologies. In: Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3). Heraklion, Greece, 07/12/2023.
  • Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Peralta, P., & Dragos, K., 2023. Development of a low-cost, IoT-enabled shake table system [Entwicklung eines kostengünstigen, IoT-fähigen Shaketable-Systems]. In: Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik. Bochum, Germany, 09/06/2023.
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  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2023. Damage detection coupling convolutional neural networks and numerical simulations. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). London, United Kingdom, 07/04/2023.
  • Häusler, F., Stührenberg, J., Neumann, P. P., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Bout-based gas source localization using aerial robot swarms. In: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Sensors. Vienna, Austria, 10/29/2023.
  • Häusler, F. & Stührenberg, J., 2023. Gas source localization based on aerial robot swarms [Gasquellenlokalisierung mit Drohnenschwärmen]. In: Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik. Bochum, Germany, 09/06/2023.
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  • Häußer, S., Klümper, C., Beier, S., Reichel-Kühl, K., Wullenkord, S., Möller, R., Smarsly, K., & Al-Hakim, Y., 2023. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater – Results from Thuringia [Nachweis von SARS-CoV-2 im Abwasser - Ergebnisse aus Thüringen]. In: Proceedings of the DECHEMA Conference on Trace Substances and Pathogens in the Water Cycle. Frankfurt, Germany, 03/17/2023.
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  • Kölzer, T. & Smarsly, K., 2023. Data-driven processes at construction sites [Datenbasierte Prozesse auf Baustellen]. In: Heim, L. & Gerth, S. (eds.). Future entrepreneurship [Entrepreneurship der Zukunft]. Pp. 295-316. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
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  • Naser Eddin, N., Peralta, P., Al-Nasser, H., & and Chillón Geck, C., 2023. A sustainable wireless sensor system for water quality monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 34th Forum Bauinformatik. Bochum, Germany, 09/06/2023.
  • Peralta, P., Ahmad, M. E., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Printing information modeling (PIM) for additive manufacturing of concrete structures. Applied Sciences, 13(23), 12664.
  • Smarsly, K., Al-Hakim, Y., Peralta, P., Beier, S., & Klümper, C., 2023. A systematic review and recommendation of software architectures for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Health Informatics. Lisbon, Portugal, 02/18/2023.
  • Smarsly, K., Dragos, K., Stührenberg, J., & Worm, M., 2023. Mobile structural health monitoring based on legged robots. Infrastructures, 8(9), 136.
  • Zentgraf, S., Fauth, J., Hagedorn, P., Seiss, S., Smarsly, K., König, M., & Melzner, J., 2023. OntoBPR: Ontology-based workflow and concept for building permit reviews. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). London, United Kingdom, 07/04/2023.

Nach oben


  • Beier, S., Reichel-Kühl, K., Wullenkord, S., Pfannstiel, A., Möller, R., Smarsly, K., Al-Hakim, Y., Häußer, S. & Klümper, C., 2022. SARS-CoV-2 wastewater monitoring in Thuringia [SARS-CoV-2-Abwassermonitoring in Thüringen]. In: 55th Essen Conference for Water Management. Essen, Germany, 03/09/2022.
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  • Chillón Geck, C., 2022. Automated comfort monitoring using IoT technologies [Automatisiertes Behaglichkeitsmonitoring mit Hilfe von IoT-Technologien]. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Forum Bauinformatik. Munich, Germany, 09/07/2022.
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  • Dadoulis, G., Manolis, G. D., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2022. A system identification method applied to forced vibrations of pylons with time-dependent mass attachments. In: Proceedings of the 13th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics. Patras, Greece, 08/24/2022.
  • Dragos, K., Magalhães, F., Manolis, G. D., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Cross-spectrum-based synchronization of structural health monitoring data. In: Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Palermo, Italy, 07/04/2022.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2022. An embedded physics-based modeling concept for wireless structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC). Cape Town, South Africa, 09/05/2022.
  • Dragos, K., 2022. Coupling physics-based models with wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Forum Bauinformatik. Munich, Germany, 09/07/2022.
  • Fritz, H., Peralta, J., Legatiuk, D., Steiner, M., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Fault diagnosis in structural health monitoring systems using signal processing and machine learning techniques. In: Cury, A., Ribeiro, D., Ubertini, F., Todd, M. D. (eds.). Structural health monitoring based on data science techniques. Pp. 143-164. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Kölzer, T. (Hrsg.), 2022. Sustainable and digital building concepts [Nachhaltige und digitale Baukonzepte]. Springer Vieweg Wiesbaden, Germany.
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  • Luckey, D., Fritz, H., Legatiuk, D., Peralta, J., Walther, C., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Explainable artificial intelligence to advance structural health monitoring. In: Cury, A., Ribeiro, D., Ubertini, F., Todd, M. D. (eds.). Structural health monitoring based on data science techniques. Pp. 331-346. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Peralta, J., Walther, C., Osman, A., & Smarsly, K., 2022. A systematic survey of Internet of Things frameworks for smart city applications. Sustainable Cities and Society 83(2022), 103949.
  • Peralta, J., Fritz, H., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Sensor fault diagnosis coupling deep learning and wavelet transforms. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 03/15/2022.
  • Peralta, J. & Smarsly, K., 2021. An Introduction and Systematic Review on Machine Learning for Smart Environments/Cities: An IoT Approach. In: Marques, G., González-Briones, A., & Molina Lopez, J. M. (eds.). Machine Learning for Smart Environments/Cities: An IoT Approach. Pp. 1-23. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Peralta, J. & Smarsly, K., 2022. Trends and recommendations for IoT-based smart city applications. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Cape Town, South Africa, 10/26/2022.
  • Peralta, P. & Smarsly, K., 2022. Requirements analysis of additive manufacturing for concrete printing – A systematic review. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). Bogota, Colombia, 07/12/2022.
  • Peralta, P. & Smarsly, K., 2022. Sustainable structural health monitoring using e-waste and recycled materials. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2022). Cape Town, South Africa, 09/05/2022.
  • Seifried, R., Smarsly, K., Dragos, K., Dücker, D. A., & Pick, M.-A., 2022. Towards coupling land-based and water-based mobile robots for monitoring and inspection of waterside structures. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Structures at Shore. Hamburg, Germany, 05/23/2022.
  • Smarsly, K., Dragos, K., Stührenberg, J., & Worm, M., 2022. Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure using mobile robots. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Cape Town, South Africa, 10/26/2022.
  • Smarsly, K., Dragos, K., & Kölzer, T., 2022. Sensor-integrated digital twins for wireless structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure [Sensorintegrierte digitale Zwillinge für das automatisierte Monitoring von Infrastrukturbauwerken]. Bautechnik 99(6), pp. 471-476.
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  • Smarsly, K., Worm, M., Dragos, K., Peralta, J., Wenner, M., & Hahn, O., 2022. Mobile structural health monitoring using quadruped robots. In: Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems. Long Beach, CA, USA, 03/06/2022.
  • Smarsly, K., Worm, M., & Dragos, K., 2022. Design and validation of a mobile structural health monitoring system based on legged robots. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Aarhus, Denmark, 07/08/2022.
  • Trieu, H. K., Gescher, J., & Smarsly, K., 2022. Smart sensor systems – Aspects of low-power devices, energy harvesting, and artificial intelligence. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Structures at Shore. Hamburg, Germany, 05/23/2022.

Nach oben


  • Borrmann, A., Bruckmann, T., Dörfler, K., Hartmann, T., & Smarsly, K., 2021. Towards realizing the information backbone of robotized construction — Computational methods and cyber-physical architectures for collaborative robotic fleets. In: Proceedings of the 2021 CIB W78 Conference of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction. Luxembourg, 10/11/2021.
  • Dragos, K., 2021. Model verification and validation in wireless structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik. Darmstadt, Germany, 09/09/2021.
  • Mirboland, M. & Smarsly, K., 2021. BIM-based description of intelligent transportation systems for roads. Infrastructures, 6(4), 51.
  • Peralta, J., Fritz, H., Dadoulis, G., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2021. Automated decision making in structural health monitoring using explainable artificial intelligence. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Berlin, Germany, 06/30/2021.
  • Peralta, J., Fritz, H., Dadoulis, G., & Dragos, K., 2021. An explainable artificial intelligence approach for damage detection in structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Forum Bauinformatik. Darmstadt, Germany, 09/09/2021.
  • Peralta, J. & Smarsly, K., 2021. Internet of Things frameworks for smart city applications – a systematic review. In: Proceedings of the 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (I3CE). Orlando, FL, USA, 09/14/2021.
  • Peralta, P. & Smarsly, K., 2021. An algorithmic BIM approach to advance concrete printing. In: Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Berlin, Germany, 06/30/2021.
  • Rüppel, U. & Smarsly, K., 2021. BIM and sensor technologies for fire protection and structural health monitoring [BIM und Sensorik an den Beispielen Brandschutz und Bauwerksmonitoring]. In: Borrmann, A., König, M., Koch, C. & Beetz, J. (eds.). Building Information Modeling (2nd edition). Pp. 597-609. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.
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  • Söbke, H., Peralta, P., Smarsly, K., & Armbruster, M., 2021. An IFC schema extension for BIM-based description of wastewater treatment plants. Automation in Construction, 129(2021), 103777.

Nach oben


  • Dragos, K., Makarios, T., Karetsu, I., Manolis, G. D., & Smarsly, K., 2020. Detection and correction of synchronization-induced errors in operational modal analysis. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 90(7), pp. 1547-1567.

  • Fritz, H. & Smarsly, K., 2020. A state-of-the-art review of nature-inspired systems for smart structures. In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Palermo, Italy, 06/07/2020.

  • Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D., Nilsson, H. & Smarsly, K., 2020. Conceptual modelling: Towards detecting modelling errors in engineering applications. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43(3), pp. 1243-1252.

  • Legatiuk, D., Lossev, K., Smarsly, K. & Volkov, A., 2020. Abstract life-cycle modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering. In: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM). Moscow, Russia, 09/02/2020.

  • Luckey, D., Fritz, H., Legatiuk, D., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K. 2020. Artificial intelligence techniques for smart city applications. In: Proceedings of the International ICCCBE and CIB W78 Joint Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2020. Sao Paolo, Brazil, 08/18/2020.

  • Manolis, G. D., Pardalopoulos, S. I., Dadoulis, G. I., & Dragos, K., 2020. Analytical modeling of flexible structures for health monitoring under environmentally induced loads. Acta Mechanica, 231(9), pp. 3621-3644.

  • Manolis, G. D., Pardalopoulos, S. I., Dadoulis, G. I., & Dragos, K., 2020. Analytical-numerical modeling of flexible pylons for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2020). Athens, Greece, 11/23/2020.

  • Peralta, P., Heine, S., Ludwig, H.-M., & Smarsly, K., 2020. A BIM-based approach towards additive manufacturing of concrete structures. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Berlin, Germany, 07/01/2020.

  • Smarsly, K. & Mirboland, M., 2020. BIM-based simulation of intelligent transportation systems. In: Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC). Dresden, Germany, 11/22/2020.

  • Smarsly, K., Peralta, P., Luckey, D., Heine, S., & Ludwig, H.-M., 2020. BIM-based concrete printing. In: Proceedings of the International ICCCBE and CIB W78 Joint Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2020. Sao Paolo, Brazil, 08/18/2020.

  • Söbke, H., Peralta, P., Heigener, D. & Smarsly, K., 2020. BIM-based sizing of reactors in processing facilities. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Berlin, Germany, 07/01/2020.

  • Theiler, M., Legatiuk, D., Ibanez, S. & Smarsly, K., 2020. Metaization concepts for monitoring-related information. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 46(2020), 1011158.

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  • Dragos, K., Manolis, G. D. & Smarsly, K., 2019. Automated wireless structural health monitoring and control using tuned liquid column dampers. In: Proceedings of the 2019 ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN). Crete, Greece, 06/24/2019.
  • Dragos, K., Makarios, T., Karetsou, I., Manolis, G. D., and Smarsly, K., 2019. Detecting and correcting synchronization-induced errors in operational modal analysis. In: Proceedings of the 12th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics. Thessaloniki, Greece, 09/22/2019.
  • Fitz, T., Theiler, M. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A metamodel for cyber-physical systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 41(2019), 100930.
  • Ibanez, S., Fitz, T. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A semantic model for wireless sensor networks in cognitive buildings. In: Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Atlanta, GA, USA, 06/17/2019.
  • Mirboland, M. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A semantic model of intelligent transportation systems. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Leuven, Belgium, 06/30/2019.
  • Mirboland, M., 2019. Describing road intelligent transportation systems using building information modeling. In: Proceedings of the 31th Forum Bauinformatik. Berlin, Germany, 09/11/2019.
  • Mthunzi, E. M., Alsaad, H., Völker, C. & Smarsly, K., 2019. An ultra-low-cost thermal comfort monitoring station. In: Bauphysiktage. Weimar, Germany, 09/25/2019.
  • Mthunzi, E. M. & Alsaad, H., 2019. Monitoring strategies for personalized heating, ventilation, and air conditioning: A work-in-progress report. In: Proceedings of the 31th Forum Bauinformatik. Berlin, Germany, 09/11/2019.
  • Peralta, P., Mthunzi, E. M., Heine, S., Ludwig, H.-M. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A metamodel for 3D concrete printing. In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering Computing (CIVIL-COMP). Riva del Garda, Italy, 09/16/2019.
  • Peralta, P., Mthunzi, E. M. & Heine, S., 2019. A semantic model for additive manufacturing of concrete structures. In: Proceedings of the 31th Forum Bauinformatik. Berlin, Germany, 09/11/2019.
  • Smarsly, K., 2019. Grilling is not an art, it is a science. In: Speitkamp, W. & Weinreich, C. (eds.). Idee, Inhalt, Form. Pp. 179-186. Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar.
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  • Smarsly, K., Fitz, T. & Legatiuk, D., 2019. Metamodeling wireless communication in cyber-physical systems. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Leuven, Belgium, 06/30/2019.
  • Smarsly, K., 2019. BIM teaching - the basis of digitalization [BIM-Lehre - Die Basis der Digitalisierung]. Der Entwurf - DBZ special issue, 4(2019), pp. 20-21.
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  • Smarsly, K., Mthunzi, E. M., Hahn, O. & Planer, J., 2019. Validation of an ultra-low-cost wireless structural health monitoring system for civil infrastructure. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/10/2019.
  • Steiner, M., Legatiuk, D. & Smarsly, K., 2019. A support vector regression-based approach towards decentralized fault diagnosis in wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/10/2019.
  • Wiggenbrock, J., 2019. Automated infrastructure planning of fiber optic broadband networks [Automatisierte Infrastrukturplanung von Glasfasernetzen]. In: Proceedings of the 31th Forum Bauinformatik. Berlin, Germany, 09/11/2019.

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  • Di Biccari, C. & Heigener, D., 2018. Semantic modeling of wastewater treatment plants towards international data format standards. In: Proceedings of the 30th Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, Germany, 09/19/2018.

  • Dragos, K., Theiler, M., Magalhães, F., Moutinho, C. & Smarsly, K., 2018. On-board data synchronization in wireless structural health monitoring systems based on phase locking. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(11), e2248.

  • Dragos, K., Steiner, M., Zabel, V. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Monitoring-based performance analysis of tuned mass dampers in tower structures. Bautechnik, 95(6), pp. 401-409.
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  • Dragos, K., Makarios, T., Karetsou, I., Manolis, G. D. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Accommodating synchronization-induced errors in operational modal analysis. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE). Thessaloniki, Greece, 06/18/2018.

  • Dragos, K., Steiner, M., Zabel, V. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Data-driven assessment of tuned mass dampers in tower structures. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ECEE). Thessaloniki, Greece, 06/18/2018.

  • Ibanez, S. & Dragos, K., 2018. Quality indicators for embedded stochastic subspace identification algorithms in wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 30th Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, Germany, 09/19/2018.

  • Karimi, S., Mehrkian Jorshari, B., Mousazadeh, E., Steiner, M. & Dragos, K., 2018. Comparative study of experimentally tested tuned liquid column dampers. In: Proceedings of the 30th Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, Germany, 09/19/2018.

  • Legatiuk, D. & Smarsly, K., 2018. An abstract approach towards modeling intelligent structural systems. In: Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Manchester, United Kingdom, 07/10/2018.

  • Mirboland, M. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Semantic modeling of road intelligent transportation systems. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Positioning and Navigation for Intelligent Transportation Systems (POSNAV) 2018. Berlin, Germany, 11/15/2018.

  • Söbke, H., Theiler, M., Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2018. BIM-based description of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Tampere, Finland, 06/05/2018.

  • Söbke, H., Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Metamodeling of wastewater treatment plants. In: Proceedings of the BauSIM 2018. Karlsruhe, Germany, 09/26/2018.
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  • Steiner, M., Mirboland, M. & Theiler, M. (eds.), 2018. 30th Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, Germany: Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering, Bauhaus University Weimar, 09/19/2018.
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  • Steiner, M., Fritz, H., Thiebes, L. & Dragos, K., 2018. Fault diagnosis in wireless structural health monitoring systems based on support vector regression. In: Proceedings of the 30th Forum Bauinformatik. Weimar, Germany, 09/19/2018.

  • Theiler, M. & Smarsly, K., 2018. IFC Monitor – An IFC extension for modeling structural health monitoring systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 37(2018), pp. 54-65.

  • Theiler, M., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Semantic description of structural health monitoring algorithms using building information modeling. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Lausanne, Switzerland, 06/10/2018.

  • Theiler, M. & Smarsly, K., 2018. Parametric Information Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems based on Industry Foundation Classes. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Tampere, Finland, 06/05/2018.

  • Wills, N., Ponnewitz, J. & Smarsly, K., 2018. A BIM/FM interface analysis for sustainable facility management. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Tampere, Finland, 06/05/2018.

  • Wills, N., Ponnewitz, J. & Smarsly, K., 2018. BIM applications and sustainable facility management guidelines - a survey. In: Proceedings of the 25th annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society (ERES). Reading, United Kingdom, 06/27/2018.
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  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2017. Decentralized infrastructure health monitoring using embedded computing in wireless sensor networks. In: Sextos, A. & Manolis, G. D. (eds.). Dynamic Response of Infrastructure to Environmentally Induced Loads. Pp. 183-201. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2017. An embedded algorithm for detecting and accommodating synchronization problems in wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Nottingham, UK, 07/10/2017.
  • Hartmann, V., Smarsly, K. & Lahmer, T., 2017. Project scheduling under uncertainty and resource constraints. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 17(1), pp. 839-840.
  • Legatiuk, D., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2017. Modeling and evaluation of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 17(1), pp. 807-808.
  • Legatiuk, D., Theiler, M., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2017. A categorical approach towards metamodeling cyber-physical systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/12/2017.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2017. Autonomous monitoring of masonry dams based on multi-agent technology. In: Proceedings of the 4th Congress on Dams. Struga, Republic of Macedonia, 09/28/2017.
  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, T., Rüppel, U., König, M. & Borrmann, A., 2017. The Field of Computing in Civil Engineering Paving the Way for Digitalization in Civil Engineering [Das Fachgebiet Bauinformatik als Wegbereiter und Träger der Digitalisierung des Bauwesens]. Bauingenieur, annual edition 2017/2018, pp. 23-25.
  • Smarsly, K., Theiler, M. & Dragos, K., 2017. IFC-based modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Nottingham, UK, 07/10/2017.
  • Theiler, M., 2017. IFC-based modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering [IFC-basierte Modellierung von cyber-physischen Systemen im Bauingenieurwesen]. In: Proceedings of the 29th Forum Bauinformatik. Dresden, Germany, 09/06/2017.
  • Theiler, M., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2017. BIM-based design of structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/12/2017.
  • Wiggenbrock, J., 2017. Rational planning of fiber optic giga networks [Rationale Planung von Glasfaser-Giganetzen]. In: Proceedings of the 29th Forum Bauinformatik. Dresden, Germany, 09/06/2017.
  • Wiggenbrock, J. & Smarsly, K., 2017. Automated design of digital high-speed networks. [Automatisierte Planung von digitalen Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzen.] Working paper no. BUW-IIB-2017.01.1. Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, 08/21/2017.
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  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Distributed adaptive diagnosis of sensor faults using structural response data. Smart Materials and Structures, 25(10), 105019.

  • Dragos, K., 2016. An embedded physics-based modeling approach for wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 28th Forum Bauinformatik. Hanover, Germany, 09/19/2016.
  • Dragos, K., Jahr, K. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Nonlinear sensor fault diagnosis in wireless sensor networks using structural response data. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Krakow, Poland, 06/29/2016.

  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2016. A hybrid system identification methodology for wireless structural health monitoring systems based on dynamic substructuring. In: Proceedings of the SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems. Las Vegas, NV, USA, 03/24/2016.

  • Feine, I., Smarsly, K. & Bargstädt, H.-J., 2016. Scenario simulations for improved production planning in construction engineering using standard simulation software. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Osaka, Japan, 07/06/2016.

  • Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Jaouadi, Z., Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Monitoring the structural response of reinforced concrete poles along high-speed railway tracks. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering (MSSCE). Lyngby, Denmark, 08/22/2016.

  • Nasr, A., Dehshahri, F., Miculas, C. V., Ficker, K., Azari, S., Afghan, H., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2016. A distributed-collaborative modal identification procedure for wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision. Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar, pp. 122-131.

  • Smarsly, K., Dragos, K. & Wiggenbrock, J., 2016. Machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) 2016. Bilbao, Spain, 07/05/2016.

  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, T., Rüppel, U. & König, M., 2016. Mission Statement of the German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering. [Positionspapier des Arbeitskreis Bauinformatik.] German Association of Computing in Civil Engineering, Hanover, Germany, 09/20/2016.
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  • Smarsly, K. & Tauscher, E., 2016. Monitoring information modeling for semantic mapping of structural health monitoring systems. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Osaka, Japan, 07/06/2016.

  • Sternal, M. & Dragos, K., 2016. BIM-based modeling of structural health monitoring systems using the IFC standard. In: Proceedings of the 28th Forum Bauinformatik. Hanover, Germany, 09/19/2016.
  • Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Generic BIM queries based on the IFC object model using graph theory. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Osaka, Japan, 07/06/2016.

  • Wiggenbrock, J. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Integrated visualization of installation plans and installation costs of fiber optic networks. In: Proceedings of the 10th ITG Conference "Broadband Access in Germany 2016". Berlin, Germany, 04/18/2016.

  • Wiggenbrock, J., 2016. Integrated visualization of installation plans and installation costs for fiber optic broadband expansion [Integrierte Visualisierung von Installationsplänen und Installationskosten beim Glasfaser-Breitbandausbau]. In: Proceedings of the 28th Forum Bauinformatik. Hanover, Germany, 09/19/2016.

  • Wiggenbrock, J. & Smarsly, K., 2016. Cost-efficient expansion of broadband networks based on automated integration of installation plans and installation costs. [Kostengünstiger Breitbandausbau mittels automatisierter Integration von Installationsplänen und Installationskosten.] Working paper no. BUW-IIB-2016.01.1. Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, 06/24/2016.
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  • Dragos, K., 2015. Embedded models in wireless sensor nodes for decentralized condition assessment of civil engineering structures. In: Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik. Aachen, Germany, 09/21/2015.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Embedding numerical models into wireless sensor nodes for structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/01/2015.
  • Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2015. A Comparative Review of Wireless Sensor Nodes for Structural Health Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Turin, Italy, 07/01/2015.
  • Dragos, K., Thessmann, G., Fathy, M., Wang, S., Liang, Y., Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2015. An embedded computing approach for modular wireless structural health monitoring systems. In: Abrahamczyk, L. & Schwarz, J. (eds.). Forecast Engineering: Global Climate change and the challenges for built environment. Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Structural Engineering.
  • Hartmann, V., Lahmer, T. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Assessment and optimization of the robustness of construction schedules. In: Proceedings of the 22nd EG-ICE Workshop 2015. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 07/13/2015.
  • Hartmann, V., Smarsly, K. & Lahmer, T., 2015. Robust scheduling in construction engineering. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
  • Ignatova, E., Kirschke, H., Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Parametric geometric modeling in construction planning using industry foundation classes. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
  • Jahr, K., Dragos, K. & Tauscher, E., 2015. An analytical redundancy approach towards decentralized autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik. Aachen, Germany, 09/21/2015. 
  • Jahr, K., Schlich, R., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Decentralized autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring systems using structural response data. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
  • König, M, Borrmann, A., Bletzinger, K.-U., Rank, E., Smarsly, K. & Huhnt, W., 2015. Advances and Challenges of Computing in Civil Engineering [Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen der Bauinformatik]. Bauingenieur, 8(2015), pp. 320-329.
  • Smarsly, K. & Tauscher, E., 2015. IFC-based monitoring information modeling for data management in structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
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  • Tauscher, E., Wunsch, M. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Towards generic BIM queries based on the IFC object model and graph theory. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
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  • Wiggenbrock, J., Dragos, K. & Smarsly, K., 2015. A combinatorial heuristic algorithm supporting computer-aided planning of optical fiber networks. In: Proceedings of the 22th ITG Conference "Communication Cable Networks". Cologne, Germany, 12/09/2015.
  • Wiggenbrock, J., 2015. A generic framework supporting distributed computing in engineering applications [Ein generisches Framework zur Vernetzung verteilter Ingenieuranwendungen]. In: Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik. Aachen, Germany, 09/21/2015.
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  • Wiggenbrock, J. & Smarsly, K., 2015. A generic framework supporting distributed computing in engineering applications. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM). Weimar, Germany, 07/22/2015.
  • Wiggenbrock, J., Breide, S. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Preliminary infrastructure planning of fiber optic broadband networks in rural areas [Infrastrukturvorplanung von Glasfasernetzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ländlichen Raumes]. In: Proceedings of the 9th ITG Conference "Broadband Access in Germany". Berlin, Germany, 04/21/2015.
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  • Wiggenbrock, J., Breide, S. & Smarsly, K., 2015. Planning of fiber access networks in urban areas [Planung von Glasfaser-Zugangsnetzen in Siedlungsgebieten]. In: Proceedings of the 16th ITG Conference "Photonic Networks". Leipzig, Germany, 05/07/2015.
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  • Zoubek, B., Manojlovski, F., Zhelyazkov, A., Naeimi, N., Nishino, H., Abdollahi, H., Dragos, K., Tauscher, E. & Smarsly, K., 2016. A wireless structural health monitoring system for automated, decentralized modal analysis. In: Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision. Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Structural Engineering, pp. 11-19.

Nach oben


  • Chowdhury, S., Olney, P., Deeb, M., Zabel, V. & Smarsly, K., 2014. Quality Assessment of Dynamic Response Measurements using Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) 2014. Nantes, France, 07/08/2014.
  • Hartmann, V., 2014. Model- and knowledge-based construction scheduling [Modell- und wissensbasierte Bauablaufplanung]. In: Proceedings of the 26th Forum Bauinformatik. Darmstadt, Germany, 09/24/2014.
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  • Kirschke, H. & Smarsly, K., 2014. BIM-based Simulation of Structures using IFC Elements and Sensor Data. In: International Scientific Conference of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU). Moscow, Russia, 11/12/2014. 
  • Law, K. H., Smarsly, K. & Wang, Y., 2014. Sensor Data Management Technologies for Infrastructure Asset Management. In: Wang, M. L., Lynch, J. P. & Sohn, H. (eds.). Sensor Technologies for Civil Infrastructures. Pp. 3-32. Sawston, UK: Woodhead Publishing, Ltd. 
  • Park, J., Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2014. Analyzing the temporal variation of wind turbine response using Gaussian Mixture Model and Gaussian Discriminant Analysis. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(4), B4014011.
  • Smarsly, K. & Law, K. H., 2014. Decentralized Fault Detection and Isolation in Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Systems using Analytical Redundancy. Advances in Engineering Software, 73(2014), pp. 1-10.
  • Smarsly, K. & Petryna, Y., 2014. A Decentralized Approach towards Autonomous Fault Detection in Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) 2014. Nantes, France, 07/08/2014.
  • Smarsly, K., Georgieva, K. & König, M., 2014. An Internet-enabled wireless multi-sensor system for continuous monitoring of landslide processes. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(6), pp. 520-529.
  • Smarsly, K., 2014. Fault diagnosis of wireless structural health monitoring systems based on online learning neural approximators. In: International Scientific Conference of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU). Moscow, Russia, 11/12/2014.
  • Tauscher, E., Kirschke, H. & Smarsly, K., 2014. Research-Oriented Teaching at the Chair of Computing in Civil Engineering. In: III. International Young Scientists Forum [III МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ФОРУМ МОЛОДЫХ УЧЕНЫХ]. Astrachan, Russia, 04/21/2014.
  • Tauscher, E., Smarsly, K., König, M. & Beucke, K., 2014. Automated Generation of Construction Sequences using Building Information Models. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Orlando, FL, USA, 06/23/2014.
  • Wiggenbrock, J., 2014. Classification of OpenStreetMap Data according to the AAA-Model [Klassifikation von OpenStreetMap-Daten gemäß dem AAA-Modell]. In: Proceedings of the 26th Forum Bauinformatik. Darmstadt, Germany, 09/24/2014.
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  • Wiggenbrock, J., Breide, S. & Smarsly, K., 2014. Methods for resource-optimized preliminary topology and cost planning of expanding fiber optic broadband infrastructure [Methoden zur ressourcenoptimierten Vorplanung von Topologie und Kosten beim Glasfaser-Breitbandausbau]. In: Proceedings of the 8th ITG Conference. Berlin, Germany, 04/01/2014.
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  • Park, J., Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2013. Application of incremental Gaussian mixture models for characterization of wind field data. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Stanford, CA, USA, 09/11/2013.

  • Park, J., Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2013. Multivariate analysis and prediction of wind turbine response to varying wind field characteristics based on machine learning. In: Proceedings of the ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering. Los Angeles, CA, USA, 06/23/2013.

  • Smarsly, K. & Law, K. H., 2013. Advanced Structural Health Monitoring based on Multi-Agent Technology. In: Zander, J. & Mostermann, P. (eds.). Computation for Humanity: Information Technology to Advance Society. Pp. 95-126. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

  • Smarsly, K. & Law, K. H., 2013. A migration-based approach towards resource-efficient wireless structural health monitoring. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 27(4), pp. 625-635.

  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Law, K. H. 2013. An Integrated Monitoring System for Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines. International Journal of Smart Structures and Systems, 12(2), pp. 209-233.

  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Law, K. H., 2013. A Computational Framework for Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines incorporating Structural Health Monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring – An International Journal, 12(4), pp. 359-376.

  • Smarsly, K., 2013. Agricultural ecosystem monitoring based on autonomous sensor systems. In: Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics 2013. Fairfax, VA, USA, 08/12/2013.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2013. A Cyberinfrastructure for Integrated Monitoring and Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines. In: European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2013. Vienna, Austria, 07/01/2013.

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  • Georgieva, K., Smarsly, K., König, M. & Law, K. H., 2012. An Autonomous Landslide Monitoring System based on Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 06/17/2012.

  • Smarsly, K. & Law, K. H., 2012. Coupling Wireless Sensor Networks and Autonomous Software for Integrated Soil Moisture Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Hamburg, Germany, 07/14/2012.

  • Smarsly, K., Georgieva, K., König, M. & Law, K. H., 2012. Monitoring of Slope Movements coupling Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks and Web Services. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Performance-Based Life-Cycle Structural Engineering. Hong Kong, China, 12/05/2012.

  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Law, K. H., 2012. Integration of Structural Health and Condition Monitoring into the Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines. In: ISHMII / BAM. Civil Structural Health Monitoring Workshop (CSHM-4). Berlin, Germany, 11/06/2012.

  • Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Law, K. H., 2012. Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines Observed by Autonomous Software Components – 2nd Level Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Moscow, Russia, 06/27/2012.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2012. A Multiagent-Based Collaborative Framework for a Self-Managing Structural Health Monitoring System. ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(1), pp. 76-89.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2012. Towards Life-Cycle Management of Wind Turbines based on Structural Health Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Performance-Based Life-Cycle Structural Engineering. Hong Kong, China, 12/05/2012.

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  • Hartmann, D., Smarsly, K. & Law, K. H., 2011. Coupling Sensor-Based Structural Health Monitoring with Finite Element Model Updating for Probabilistic Lifetime Estimation of Wind Energy Converter Structures. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2011. Stanford, CA, USA, 09/13/2011.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2011. Implementation of a multiagent-based paradigm for decentralized real-time structural health monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 2011 ASCE Structures Congress. Las Vegas, NV, USA, 04/14/2011.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & Hartmann, D., 2011. Implementing a Multiagent-Based Self-Managing Structural Health Monitoring System on a Wind Turbine. In: Proceedings of the 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA, 01/04/2011.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & König, M., 2011. Autonomous Structural Condition Monitoring based on Dynamic Code Migration and Cooperative Information Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2011. Stanford, CA, USA, 09/13/2011.

  • Smarsly, K., Law, K. H. & König, M., 2011. Resource-Efficient Wireless Monitoring based on Mobile Agent Migration. In: Proceedings of the SPIE (Vol. 7984): Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2011. San Diego, CA, USA, 03/06/2011.

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2010 and earlier

  • Bilek, J., Mittrup, I., Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2003. Agent-based Concepts for the Holistic Modeling of Concurrent Processes in Structural Engineering. In: Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. Madeira, Portugal, 07/26/2003.
  • Hegemann, F., Georgieva, K. & Smarsly, K., 2010. Development of an Agent-Based Hybrid System for Decentralized Structural Health Monitoring [Entwicklung eines Agenten-basierten hybriden Systems zur verteilten Bauwerksüberwachung]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2010. Berlin, Germany, 09/29/2010.
  • Hill, M., Schrader, C. & Smarsly, K., 2007. Multi-dimensional progress simulation of construction work by the example of modular office buildings [Mehrdimensionale Fortschrittssimulation der Erstellung von Bürogebäuden in Modulbauweise]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2007. Graz, Austria, 09/19/2007.
  • Mittrup, I. & Smarsly, K., 2003. Development of a Knowledge-based System for Data Analysis in the Context of Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures [Entwicklung eines wissensbasierten Systems zur Analyse von Messdaten aus dem Bauwerksmonitoring]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2003. Hannover, Germany, 10/08/2003.
  • Mittrup, I., Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Bettzieche, V., 2003. An Agent-based Approach to Dam Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 20th CIB W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Auckland, New Zealand, 04/23/2003.
  • Mittrup, I., Smarsly, K., Hartmann, D. & Bettzieche, V., 2003. Implementation of a Web-based Dam Monitoring System [Implementierung eines webbasierten Talsperren-Monitoring-Systems]. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Weimar, Germany, 06/10/2003.
  • Mittrup, I. & Smarsly, K., 2002. Development of a Dam Monitoring System by the Example of the Ennepe Dam [Entwicklung eines Talsperren-Monitoring-Systems am Beispiel der Ennepetalsperre]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2002. Bochum, Germany, 09/16/2002.
  • Mittrup, I. & Smarsly, K., 2002. The Ennepe Dam – Design of a Structural Health Monitoring System [Ennepetalsperre – Entwurf eines Talsperren-Monitoring-Systems]. Technical report, 11/04/2002. Bochum, Germany: Ruhr-University Bochum.
  • Nguyen, V. V., Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2007. A Computational Steering Approach towards Sensor Placement Optimization for Structural Health Monitoring using Multi-Agent Technology and Evolutionary Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2007. Stanford, CA, USA, 09/11/2007.
  • Nguyen, A. H., Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2005. Structural Health Monitoring in the Erection Stage of Civil Infrastructures Based on Software-Agents. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2005. Cottbus, Germany, 09/28/2005.
  • Smarsly, K., 2010. A Computational Intelligence Approach towards Autonomous Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures. International Journal of Computational Science, 4(2), pp. 113-128.
  • Smarsly, K., 2010. Biologically-Inspired Condition Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures. International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2(4), pp. 770-777.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2010. Agent-Oriented Development of Hybrid Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems. In: Proceedings of ISCCBE International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering and the EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Nottingham, UK, 06/30/2010.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2009. Real-time monitoring of wind energy converters based on software agents. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Weimar, Germany, 07/07/2009. Weimar, Germany.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2009. AMBOS – A self-managing system for monitoring civil engineering structures. In: Proceedings of the XVI Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Berlin, Germany, 07/15/2009.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2009. Multi-scale monitoring of wind energy plants based on agent technology. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2009. Stanford, CA, USA, 09/09/2009.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2008. New Paths in Structural Health Monitoring – Computer-supported Monitoring based on Autonomous Software [Neue Wege in der Bauwerksüberwachung – Computergestützte Überwachung auf der Basis Autonomer Software]. Messtechnik im Bauwesen, 2008(2), pp. 48-51.
  • Smarsly, K., 2008. Autonomous Monitoring of Safety-Relevant Engineering Structures [Autonome Überwachung sicherheitsrelevanter Ingenieurbauwerke]. Aachen, Germany: Shaker Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8322-7562-4.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2007. Artificial Intelligence in Structural Health Monitoring. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town, South Africa, 09/10/2007.
  • Smarsly, K., Lehner, K. & Hartmann, D., 2007. Structural Health Monitoring based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 07/24/2007.
  • Smarsly, K., Lehner, K. & Hartmann, D., 2006. Autonomic Workflow Management in Agent-based Structural Health Monitoring Systems using Graph Theory. In: Proceedings of the 13th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Leading the Web in CE, Research and Applications. Antibes, France, 09/18/2006.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2006. Distributed-Cooperative Problem Solving in Structural Health Monitoring using Multi-Level Intelligence. In: Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2006. Granada, Spain, 07/05/2006.
  • Smarsly, K., Schrader, C., Hartmann, D., Book, C. & Giuliani, S., 2006. Hybrid Learning: Development of an Adaptive, CAD-based Software System for Automated Processing of Tunnel and Geology Data [Hybrides Lernen am Beispiel der Entwicklung eines adaptiven, CAD-basierten Softwaresystems zur automatisierten Aufbereitung von Tunnel- und Baugrundinformationen]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2006. Weimar, Germany, 09/27/2006.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2005. Structural Monitoring using Agent-based Simulation. In: Proceedings of the ASCE 2005 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Cancun, Mexico, 07/12/2005.
  • Smarsly, K., Frey, B., Klieber, T., Nguyen, V. S. & v. Roden, M., 2005. IT in Civil Engineering – A System for Computer-based Processing of Building Projects [IT im Bauwesen – Ein System zur computergestützten Bearbeitung von Bauprojekten]. Report. Munich, Germany: BAU 2005 – The Future of Building.
  • Smarsly, K. & Hartmann, D., 2004. Autonomous Monitoring of Safety-Relevant Engineering Structures [Autonome Überwachung sicherheitsrelevanter Ingenieurbauwerke]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2004. Braunschweig, Germany, 09/29/2004.
  • Smarsly, K., Mittrup, I., Bilek, J. & Bloch, M., 2004. Implementation of a Software Agent for the Administration of Complex Data in Civil Engineering [Implementierung eines Software-Agenten zur Verwaltung komplexer Datenbestände aus dem Bauwesen]. In: Forum Bauinformatik 2004. Braunschweig, Germany, 09/29/2004.
  • Smarsly, K. & Mittrup, I., 2003. Dam Monitoring using Cellphones [Talsperrenüberwachung mit dem Handy]. Junior Rubin Science Magazine, Special issue 2003(1), pp. 56-59.
  • Smarsly, K., 2002. Development of a Web-based Framework for Analyzing, Processing and Visualizing Measured Data in Dam Monitoring [Entwicklung eines webbasierten Frameworks zur Auswertung, Aufbereitung und Visualisierung von Messdaten aus einem Talsperren-Monitoring-System]. Diploma thesis, 10/15/2002. Bochum, Germany: Ruhr-University Bochum.

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