Workshops & Trainings

11.-12.07.2024: Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: July 11-12, 2024
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Philipp Mayer
09.-10.09.2024: Staying Calm and Full of Energy: Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Staying Calm and Full of Energy: Stress Competence for PhD Candidates

Date: September 9-10, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
11.-12.09.2024: Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation

Getting It Done! How to Complete Your Dissertation – Methods and Motivation

Date: September 11-12, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Jan Stamm
17.+24.09.2024: Kollaborativ forschen und entwickeln mit GitLab

Kollaborativ forschen und entwickeln mit GitLab

Datum: 17. & 24. September 2024
Ort: Die Veranstaltung findet digital statt
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Axel Dürkop
19.+26.09.2024: Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Clear at Glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters

Date: September 19 & 26, 2024
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Birgit Lukowski
08.10.2024: Stimmtraining - Begeistern Sie mit Ihrer Stimme

Stimmtraining - Begeistern und überzeugen Sie mit Ihrer Stimme

Date: 8. Oktober 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Raum B 0.001
Host: Graduiertenakademie, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Eva Weissmann
10.-11.10.2024: Keeping your Talk fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Keeping your Talk fresh: Storytelling Techniques for Scientific Presentations

Date: October 10-11, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Ric Oquita
18.10.2024: Raus aus der Selbstkritik - Selbstakzeptanz und innere Stärke entwickeln

Raus aus der Selbstkritik - Selbstakzeptanz und innere Stärke entwickeln

Datum: 18. Oktober 2024
Ort: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Raum B 0.001
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Waltraud Friedrich
05.-06.11.2024: Conference Presentation Skills: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Conference Presentation Skills: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk

Date: November 5-6, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Julie Stearns
20.-21.11.2024: Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully: Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Master Your Doctoral Project Successfully: Project Management for Doctoral Candidates

Date: November 20-21, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001 and B 0.006
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Barbara Wagner
22.11.2024: Disputationstraining - Den Promotionsvortrag souverän präsentieren und sicher mit Fragen umgehen

Disputationstraining - Den Promotionsvortrag souverän präsentieren und sicher mit Fragen umgehen

Datum: 22. November 2024
Ort: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Raum B 0.001
Anbieter: Graduiertenakademie für Technologie and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Wrede
27.-28.11.2024: Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Writing and Publishing Research Articles: the Structured Approach

Date: November 27-28, 2024
Place: This workshop will take place online
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Dr. Philipp Mayer
10.12.2024 Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Introduction to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Date: December 10, 2024
Place: TU Hamburg, Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 2 (B), Room B 0.001
Host: Graduate Academy for Technology and Innovation, TU Hamburg
Trainer: Helga Nolte