Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni

I received my B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts in Boston, USA and received my PhD degree in Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science at The University of Manchester in 2018. My PhD was focused on the mechanisms controlling dynamics of salt crystallization in drying porous media. During my PhD, I combined cutting-edge techniques such as synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography and thermal imaging with various theoretical models to extend the fundamental understanding required to describe the effects of salt on subsurface flow and hydrodynamic processes. After my PhD, I joined Department of Earth Science & Engineering at Imperial College London as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Here at TUHH, I serve as a Lecturer covering two MSc courses related to emerging trends in environmental science and engineering. Besides that, I work as a full time Science Manager at DESY.


Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics B-9
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
21073 Hamburg, Germany
Email: salome.shokri(at)tuhh(dot)de
Website: www.tuhh.de/ghi