In collaboration with several universities and institutes, we have started field-scale experiments in an area of >70,000 hectare to investigate soil processes at and around the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg - Richard-Aßmann-Observatorium of the German Weatherservice (DWD) located southeast of Berlin. This field-scale experiment is in the context of FESSTVaL measurement campaign (Field Experiment on submesoscale spatio-temporal variability in Lindenberg). More details about FESSTVaL can be found <link http: en ext>here.
Our institute is particularly interested in understanding of the land-atmosphere interactions. Within this context, in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, we have installed >100 soil sensors (see the figure below) to measure long term dynamics of water content close to the soil surface as well as soil temperature. These data are complemented by a comprehensive set of atmospheric variables measured by other universities and institutes. This will provide us with an excellent opportunity to investigate the complex interaction between processes occurring near soil surface and the atmosphere.