Our recent paper introducing the concept behind Climate Informed Engineering was featured on the Front Cover of ACS Engineering Au (https://pubs.acs.org/toc/aeacb3/3/1). The paper was developed in collaboration with scientists from Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and United Nations University. You can access this Open Access paper using the following link:
Shokri, N., Stevens, B., Madani, K., Grabe, J., Schlüter, M., Smirnova, I. (2023), Climate Informed Engineering: An essential pillar of Industry 4.0 transformation, ACS Eng. Au, 3, 1, 3–6.
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“Climate Informed Engineering” was featured on the Front Cover of ACS Engineering Au!

Figure caption. Front Cover of ACS Engineering Au on 15.02.2023 featuring our recent paper on Climate Informed Engineering which aims to integrate the information obtained by the new generation of climate models into engineering products, solutions, and services (After Shokri et al. (2023), ACS Eng. Au, 3, 1, 3–6).