Dr.-Ing. Christian F. Janßen
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory (M8)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (C)
D-21073 Hamburg
Room C5.006
Phone: +49 40 42878 6040
Fax: +49 40 42878 6055
E-mail: christian.janssen(at)tuhh(dot)de
For a list of publications, see http://www.christian-janssen.de
Bio sketch
Abitur, Bielefeld
Zivildienst, Bielefeld
Dipl.-Ing., Civil Engineering, TU Braunschweig
M.Sc., Computational Sciences in Engineering (CSE), TU Braunschweig
Dr.-Ing., Civil Engineering, iRMB, TU Braunschweig
PostDoc, Department of Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island (URI)
2012 - 2017
Full-time postdoc and ELBE team leader, Inst. M-8, Hamburg University of Technology
2017 - present
External lecturer and researcher, Inst. M-8, Hamburg University of Technology
Computational Steering for Computational Fluid Dynamics
Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games (2024)
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Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann-potential flow simulations of turbulent flow around submerged structures
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (11): 1651 (2022)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
Wall-modeled lattice Boltzmann large-eddy simulation of neutral atmospheric boundary layers
Physics of Fluids 33 (10): 105111 (2021-10)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
A Lattice-Boltzmann-based perturbation method
Computers and Fluids (213): 104723 (2020-12-15)
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Assessment of weak compressibility in actuator line simulations of wind turbine wakes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 6 (1618): 062057 (2020)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Numerical simulation of nonlinear interactions in a naturally transitional flat plate boundary layer
Computers and Fluids (203): 104502 (2020-05-15)
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An efficient algorithm for the calculation of sub-grid distances for higher-order LBM boundary conditions in a GPU simulation environment
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 1 (79): 66-87 (2020-01-01)
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Mesoscopic methods in engineering and science
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 1 (79): 1-2 (2020-01-01)
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CUDA-accelerated computational fluid dynamics (NVIDIA Webinar)
Zenodo: (2019)
Open Access | Verlags DOI
On the applicability of lattice boltzmann single-phase models for the simulation of wave impact in LNG tanks
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 4 (27): 390-396 (2017-12)
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Using an interactive lattice Boltzmann solver in fluid mechanics instruction
Computation 5 (2017), (3), 35
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Scrutinizing lattice Boltzmann methods for direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flows
Computers and Fluids (156): 247-263 (2017)
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On the development of an efficient numerical ice tank for the simulation of fluid-ship-rigid-ice interactions on graphics processing units
Computers and Fluids (155): 22-32 (2017)
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GPU-accelerated LBM-VOF two-phase flow simulations with grid refinement
Open Access -
A hybrid solver based on efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS models: Recent LBM developments and applications to naval hydrodynamics
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference: 713-720 (2017)
A hybrid solver based on efficient BEM-potential and LBM-NS models: recent BEM developments and applications to naval hydrodynamics
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference: 721-728 (2017)
Numerical simulation of ship-ice interactions with physics engines under consideration of ice breaking
Annual International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE: 1174-1180 (2016)
Real-time simulation of impact waves in LNG ship tanks with Lattice Boltzmann single-phase models
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (2016-January): 843-850 (2016)
Towards online visualization and interactive monitoring of real-time CFD simulations on commodity hardware
Computation 3 (2015), 3, S. 444-478
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
Validation of the GPU-accelerated CFD solver ELBE for free surface flow problems in civil and environmental engineering
Computation 3 (3): 354-385 (2015)
Open Access | Verlags DOI -
A fast and rigorously parallel surface voxelization technique for GPU-accelerated CFD simulations
Communications in Computational Physics 5 (17): 1246-1270 (2015-06-03)
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The simulation of turbulent particle-laden channel flow by the Lattice Boltzmann method
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 79 (10): 491-513 (2015)
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GPU-accelerated large-eddy simulation of ship-ice interactions
MARINE - Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI: 850-861 (2015-06)
A next-generation CFD tool for large-eddy simulations on the desktop
MARINE - Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI: 826-837 (2015-05)
An efficient lattice Boltzmann multiphase model for 3D flows with large density ratios at high Reynolds numbers
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 68 (12): 1819-1843 (2014)
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A fast numerical method for internal flood water dynamics to simulate water on deck and flooding scenarios of ships
Proceedings of the ASME 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - 2013 : presented at ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 9 - 14, 2013, Nantes, France / sponsored by Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division, ASME. [Pierre Ferrant, conference chair]. - New York, NY : ASME. - Vol. 5. Ocean engineering. - 2013. - Art.-Nr. V005T06A063
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GPGPU-accelerated simulation of wave-ship interactions using LBM and a quaternion-based motion modeler
Marine 2013 : computational methods in marine engineering V ; proceedings of the V International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, held in Hamburg, Germany, 29 - 31 May 2013 / CIMNE. Birgitt Brinkmann ... (ed.). - 1. ed. - Barcelona : Internat. Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013. - Seite 229-240
Two phase flow simulation with Lattice Boltzmann method : application to wave breaking
Proceedings of the ASME 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - 2013 : presented at ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, June 9 - 14, 2013, Nantes, France / sponsored by Ocean, Offshore, and Arctic Engineering Division, ASME. [Pierre Ferrant, conference chair]. - New York, NY : ASME. - Vol. 7. CFD and VIV. - 2013. - Art.-Nr. 007T08A002
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On enhanced non-linear free surface flow simulations with a hybrid LBM-VOF model
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 2 (65): 211-229 (2013-01-01)
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