Publications of Heiko Falk
[176827] |
Title: Code-Inherent Traffic Shaping for Hard Real-Time Systems. <em>In Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT)</em> |
Written by: Dominic Oehlert, Semla Saidi and Heiko Falk |
in: October (2019). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: 20191016-emsoft-oehlert.pdf |
Address: Ney York City / USA |
Edition: |
ISBN: 10.1145/3358215 |
how published: 19-65 OSF19 EMSOFT |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: |
URL: |
Note: doehlert, ssaidi, hfalk, ESD, WCC, teamplay
Abstract: Modern hard real-time systems evolved from isolated single-core architectures to complex multi-core architectures which are often connected in a distributed manner. With the increasing influence of interconnections in hard real-time systems, the access behavior to shared resources of single tasks or cores becomes a crucial factor for the system's overall worst-case timing properties. Traffic shaping is a powerful technique to decrease contention in a network and deliver guarantees on network streams. In this paper we present a novel approach to automatically integrate a traffic shaping behavior into the code of a program for different traffic shaping profiles while being as least invasive as possible. As this approach is solely depending on modifying programs on a code-level, it does not rely on any additional hardware or operating system-based functions. We show how different traffic shaping profiles can be implemented into programs using a greedy heuristic and an evolutionary algorithm, as well as their influences on the modified programs. It is demonstrated that the presented approaches can be used to decrease worst-case execution times in multi-core systems and lower buffer requirements in distributed systems.