Publications of Heiko Falk
[176882] |
Title: Schedulability aware WCET-Optimization of Periodic Preemptive Hard Real-Time Multitasking Systems. <em>In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Software & Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES)</em> |
Written by: Arno Luppold and Heiko Falk |
in: June (2015). |
Volume: Number: |
on pages: 101-104 |
Chapter: |
Editor: |
Publisher: |
Series: 20150601-scopes-luppold.pdf |
Address: St. Goar / Germany |
Edition: |
ISBN: 10.1145/2764967.2771930 |
how published: 15-70 LuFa15b SCOPES |
Organization: |
School: |
Institution: |
Type: |
DOI: |
URL: |
Note: aluppold, hfalk, ESD, emp2, tacle, WCC
Abstract: In hard real-time multitasking systems, applying WCET-oriented code optimizations to individual tasks may not lead to optimal results with regard to the system's schedulability. We propose an approach based on Integer-Linear Programming which is able to perform schedulability aware code optimizations for periodic task sets with fixed priorities. We evaluate our approach by using a static instruction SPM optimization for the Infineon TriCore microcontroller.