Lehrveranstaltungen am Institut

Machine Learning and Data Mining (VL)
Untertitel:This course is part of the module: Machine Learning and Data Mining
DozentIn:Dipl. Informatiker Rainer Marrone
Veranstaltungstyp:Vorlesung (Lehre)
  • Decision trees
  • First-order inductive learning
  • Incremental learning: Version spaces
  • Uncertainty
  • Bayesian networks
  • Learning parameters of Bayesian networks
    BME, MAP, ML, EM algorithm
  • Learning structures of Bayesian networks
  • Gaussian Mixture Models
  • kNN classifier, neural network classifier, support vector machine (SVM) classifier
  • Clustering
    Distance measures, k-means clustering, nearest neighbor clustering
  • Kernel Density Estimation
  • Ensemble Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Computational Learning Theory
Ort:nicht angegeben
Semester:SoSe 24
Zeiten:Di. 08:00 - 09:30 (wöchentlich) - Lecture D-1.023, Di. 09:45 - 11:15 (wöchentlich) - Exercise A-1.20
Erster Termin:Dienstag, 02.04.2024 08:00 - 09:30
Weitere Informationen:
Heimatinstitut: Institut für Softwaresysteme (E-16)
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 160
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