Bewirb dich jetzt bis zum 15. Juli für dein Bachelor- oder Masterstudium an der TU Hamburg.

Three-Week Online Preparatory German Courses for International Engineering Science Students

The three-week online preparatory German courses are designed to provide international students starting their studies in Engineering Science BSc with basic knowledge of the German language. These courses aim to equip students with fundamental German language skills to ensure a smooth start to their studies at TUHH and facilitate their life in Hamburg.

By offering an online learning environment, students can conveniently participate in the program from anywhere in the world. These are not self-study courses, but language courses conducted every day in online sessions.

Who can take part?

The target group for these courses are international students who have been admitted to the Bachelor's program in Engineering Science. Course seats are limited, priority will be given to applicants with German language skills less than B 1 who can only be enrolled in the English language spezialisations "Advanced Materials" or "Data Science". International students who have already started their studies in Engineering Science/Advanced Materials at TUHH in the winter semester 2022/23 are also welcome to register.

International students from other study programs may be considered if there are available places.

Registration and Requirements

To enroll in the preparatory courses, prospective students must complete the registration process and provide proof of their accepted admission to TUHH. Students wo are already enrolled attach their enrollment certificate.

Prior knowledge of the German language is not required.

To register you need a placement test. Please take the Cornelsen Online-Test which is suitable up to level B1.
Beginner with no knowledge of German do not need a placement test.

A certificate of attendance will be issued upon successful completion of the course.

Important Information

These German prep courses are not part of the degree program. It is an optional offer to prepare you for your studies and living in Hamburg. Enrollment for the degree programs must be done separately. 

No ECTS credit points are awarded for participation. Completion of this preliminary German course does not replace participation in a semester-long German course (IBH), which is a prerequisite for graduation.


Kathrin Heuking
52 Incomings and Integration
  • Incomings and Integration
Montag, 09:00 - 12:30 + Donnerstag, 13:00 - 15:00
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude E, Raum 0.058
Tel: +49 40 42878 3503