PAD - International Summer School

Welcome to our “International Summer School on Product Architecture Design” - PAD

The research collaboration of Prof. Ola Isaksson from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Prof. Kevin Otto from University of Melbourne (Australia), Prof. Dieter Krause from Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) and Prof. Seung Ki Moon from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) aims to broaden the knowledge of young researchers in the field of product architecture design and modularity and to create a platform to interact and discuss together.

PAD takes place every two years. The 6th International Summer School on Product Architecture Design PAD2024 was held in June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.
Come back to find out where PAD2026 will take place!

The summer school has already been successfully carried out six times in different locations with research fellows from all around the world. Last time, Prof. Dieter Krause from Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) hosted PAD2024 in Hamburg. Take a look at its flyer or look at the other previous PAD Summer Schools for more information.

What will expect you?

To level all participants, a consolidated state of the art within the research field of product development methods, focusing product architecture design and design for modularity, will be presented to you. In hands on workshops and exercises you will learn, apply and discuss different product development methods and structuring measures in order for you to gain a deep understanding of the topic and to broaden your horizon.

Your own research should not come short - everyone brings in their own PhD or research project. During the week you can discuss it with others and put it in context to product architecture design and modularity with helpful advice from four experienced professors in those research areas. The joint exchange aims to foster fruitful discussions and to identify new research fields, that could be approached together, eventually leading to new research collaborations – but that is on you!

Last but not least, joint events and activities will take place in the evenings to get to know each other, the location and, of course, to have fun.


General Information and Application

The summer school takes place every two years in summer, usually in June. The location of the next summer school is announced a year in advance.

The usual timeline is as follows:

  • In summer or autumn before the next PAD: Application period opens
  • One month before PAD: Application period closes
  • End of May: Confirmation of participation for late applicants
  • June (Week of PAD): Start of PAD on Monday (9 am)
  • June (Week of PAD): End of PAD on Friday (2 pm)

For further questions regarding the organization and application process of the summer school, please contact:


Jan Küchenhof, M.Sc.

Research Associate

E-Mail: jan.kuechenhof(at)tuhh(dot)de


Katharina Zumach, M.Sc.

Research Associate

E-Mail: katharina.zumach(at)tuhh(dot)de