Institute of Technical Biocatalysis

For as long as we can remember, our planet has generously given us everything we have needed and everything we have wanted. Yet, our resources are limited. Our next steps must be chosen carefully.

At the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis, we develop new biocatalytic technologies for a more sustainable future. 

Real-time analytics enable detailed process control, leading to more responsible use of our resources and minimization of waste streams. We are digitalizing these processes to better understand them and to establish intelligent processes. 

We are networked worldwide. We also value the close cooperation with partners from industry, as this allows us to implement our research results on a large scale. At the same time, this enables our students and employees to come into contact with industrial research and development at an early stage. Our interdisciplinary and interculturally collaborative environment gives us even more opportunities to develop new ideas and put our visions into practice.

To empower the future generation with new, sustainable solutions, we invite children and young people to experience the world of science and technology at our institute: As part of the “KinderForscher” program, we develop and offer experiment kits for elementary and secondary schools. With the “Nachwuchscampus” program, we bring schools, universities and industry together. You can find our digital programs at

Prof. Dr. Andreas Liese



New master thesis: Investigating the Degradation of Mineral Oils (MOAH and MOSH) Using Commercial Enzymes
New bachelor thesis: Investigation of Commercial Enzymes for the Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon-Based Polymers
We are thrilled to welcome Aleksandr Oborovskiy as the newest PhD student at our institute. Aleksandr will be joining the Reaction Sequences Group, led by Daniel Ohde.
We are thrilled to welcome Katrin Süring as the newest PhD student at our institute. Katrin will be joining the Environmental Biotec Group, led by Ana Malvis Romero.