Photo: TUHH/Schmied


These are the web pages of the Institute of  Management and Decision Sciences, W-9, belonging to the department for Management Sciences and Technology at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). Our mission is to conduct outstanding research, to offer our students excellent lectures and seminars for a top-level education, and to ensure continuous knowledge transfer by frequently undertaking applied business projects with renowned companies. Our team is committed to improving the already excellent reputation of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). Enjoy gathering additional information by surfing our web pages. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate contacting us.

Best regards, Christian M. Ringle

Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle received the 2025 IMTC Managerial Impact Award

The Managerial Impact Award is a prestigious international honor that recognizes outstanding researchers whose work has had a significant impact on management practice. Universities, business schools, corporations, and institutions specializing in marketing trends nominate candidates for this esteemed award. Self-nominations are not accepted. At the 2025 International Marketing Trends Conference (IMTC) in Venice, the award was presented to Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle (Hamburg University of Technology) and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt (LMU Munich) in recognition of their influential research and its contributions to both academia and business practice.

Wir stellen ein - neue Doktorandenstellen verfügbar!

Streben Sie eine Promotion im Bereich Business Analytics und Machine Learning an? Dann bewerben Sie sich an unserem erfolgreichen Forschungsinstituts an der renommierten TUHH und kontaktieren Sie uns unter Wir können eine 0,5 oder Vollzeit-Doktorandenstelle an unserem Institut besetzen (hervorragende Deutschkenntnisse sind erforderlich).

Weitere Stellenausschreibungen der TUHH


  • Rapid transit rail: Take line S3 or line S31 till "Harburg Rathaus" from there take the bus line 142 for one stop till "Technische Universität, Kasernenstraße"
  • Long-distance rail arriving in Hamburg-Harburg:Take the bus line 142 till "Technische Universität, Kasernenstraße"
  • Long-distance rail arriving in Hamburg Central Station: Take line S3 or line S31 till "Harburg Rathaus" from there take the bus line 142 for one stop till "Technische Universität, Kasernenstraße"
  • Car: Approach via Autobahn A1 or A7 take the exit "Harburg" or "Heimfeld" then follow the signs.
  • A detailed map and description is also posted below
Campus Karte TUHH
Campus Karte TUHH


Learn more about Hamburg University of Technology's Department of Management Sciences and Technology, which includes our Institute of Management and Decision Sciences.